Sunday, August 27, 2023

July 15, 2023 - Traveled to California to Visit Jeff's Family

On July 15, 2023, we took Benjy and Lucy back to California along with Jason‘s family to visit Jeff and Jennifer for a week. It was a family reunion and also a chance to check out Jeff and Jennifer’s new house in Berkeley. We had 8 people traveling together, so we booked United‘s direct flight from IAH to SFO. There were a lot of people in the IAH airport, it took us quite a while waiting in lines to check-in and to go through the security. The flight was pretty smooth and we got to SFO on time. However, the Fox rental car check-in process took a whole hour and half to complete.

Since we were going to the Bodega Bay and were going to stay in an AirB&B for a few days, we had to go through the San Francisco Golden Bridge area. The AirB&B is a two storage home with a large patio and is situated right next to the bay. From the upstair living room and patio, we can see the bay and the blue water. It has a very nice setup.

It was a little tough for Maisie to get any nap time during traveling; she struggled all the way till after dinner to get some sleep. It was tough, but for a 2 1/2 year old, she managed it very well.

In the evening, we went to Lucas Wharf Restaurant and Bar for dinner.  It is a seaside restaurant with the best clam chowder in the area.  We had a nice and fresh variety of seafood and enjoyed it very much.   

After dinner, Jeff and Jennifer took us to Bodega Head Trail to watch sunset. It has a very nice hiking trail along the sea. When we got there, there were lots of people already. However, we were able to find spots for photos. At that moment, we found out that Talia and Lucy are the best photographic traveling companions. They love to be photographers and models. And they had great ideas for both of the roles. We ended up with many wonderful photos.

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